My favorite time of the year is finally upon us (well, besides for fall, spring, and the very beginning of summer;)- the Holidays! I love love love Thanksgiving and this year will be even more fun than last because we will be shooting an engagement session for a couple coming down from Auburn on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. We cannot wait!
So my plan for the holidays is to:
#1- Enjoy my time off from work!
#2- Avoid the mess that is Black Friday at all costs!! I could
tell you stories about standing in the longest line ever.
Best buy. 3:45am. freezing cold...thanks dad;) BTW...we didn't
even get anything good for anyone wondering.
And finally...
#3- Gorge myself on turkey and stuffing
Oh! I completely forgot to mention that we have launched our new site and we are working on finishing all the pages. Just an FYI if you've tried to access some of the pages and there's nothing there. I will blog as soon as we get it all set up.