This last Friday was our 5th anniversary and what a great weekend of celebrating it was! I was fortunate enough to be off all last week and I took that time to study for a test I had to take early Saturday morning. So instead of celebrating on Friday night (when I knew i'd need a lot of rest) we celebrated on Saturday. I should mention one of my favorite parts of the weekend though was when we exchanged gifts on Friday and had a peice of the top layer of our wedding cake that I had re-created (flowers and all!), that was so special! So anyway, i'm such a horrible story teller...Brandon told me that he had some special stuff planned for Saturday and that when I got home from my test that I needed to hurry up and get gussied up quick like. So I raced home got a shower and threw on my new
Express bandage dress,
black Nina heels, and
wrap (because it was a brisk 55 degrees outside). So where did we go?? Brandon took me to
Baytowne Wharf and our awesome friends Austin and Beth met us there to take pictures of us! It was so much fun and that is what I really, REALLY wanted for our anniversary (not that my new ring wasn't highly appreciated!!!). Ironically, Brandon and I have very few pictures of the two of us together. I am including some of the pictures that A+B took of us and will blog some of the pictures that we took of them tomorrow! After our photo shoot at Baytowne we went to a special dinner in Pensacola at our favorite restaurant,
Jackson's. YUMMM-O!
So another anniversary down and another year that I can say that I love my husband even more than the day we got married. I wouldn't have thought that possible on our wedding day five years ago but it's true and it makes me even more excited about what our future holds. Have a lovely evening blogland, it's time I go catch up with my hubby before bed!