Another week down, one week closer to our wedding season starting! We could not be more evidenced by my non stop chatter about pictures and colors and cameras. It reminds me of when I was a kid and I would get excited about something. It was so rare that I would, but when I did there was nothing anyone (much to my parents annoyance I'm sure) could do to shut me up about the new obsession. First there was a snoopy snow cone machine, then the barbie dream house, and who could forget my pink Minnie mouse Kodak camera. Middle school was my summers at music camp (notice how I did NOT say band camp...) and the trendy Esprit bag that all of the older girls were carrying. High school and college were spent dreaming of shopping at Sephora and spending as much time at Neimann Marcus as possible. I never thought that I could ever get that child-like excitement again, but venturing into photography has definitely done just that. I am so lucky to have found something I love so much.
This weekend we booked another wedding, a really great couple that are having their wedding in October in Fairhope. The way the bride decribed her vision for her wedding made me realize that she too has the child-like excitement about her dream wedding. We're just so happy that we can capture those memories for her.
The pictures that I have posted below are the ones that I said were of my sister in laws house at Christmas time. She is the most talented home designer ever! The last picture on here is of Kimber...we were opening up presents Christmas morning and I caught her being super cute. Have a great night!