Brandon and I had an awesome Christmas and New Year's. We went to visit Brandon's brother and his wife and our niece in South Carolina and then we spent the week of New Year's in Orlando at Disney. It was so so so much fun...but I think it's safe to say that we are so done with traveling...for a few months at least!
I do have a couple of pictures that I thought i'd share...
This is Brandon and I at Troy University (B's Alma mater:)
Me and my adorable niece (she is holding her little Wii controller and oh my goodness can this girl bowl! boom-chaca-laca!)
Nicole and our brave little dog Kimber...a big shout out to kimber for being so great with her:)
Brandon and Nicole
Well, I'm going to go start on dinner, my next post will be on how cute my sister-in-law's Christmas decor was. It was seriously like shooting picture for a Pottery Barn catalog!