I have always said that one of my favorite things about photographing anything (especially people) is the feeling of being a fly on the wall. Those of you who know me know that even though I may be able to carry on a conversation for hours on end, I am most content when I am comfortable enough to just sit and watch a story unfold on its own. No words. Just loving glances from across the room, an affectionate kiss on the nape of the neck, a whisper in the ear on the dance floor. These gestures tell me so much more than words ever could. A few weekends ago Brandon and I photographed a wedding and I got to be a fly on the wall. The day was a flurry of family, friends, dancing, and tender glances shared by the bride (Grace) and groom (Jonathan) when entertaining guests on opposite ends of the reception ballroom. Grace and Jonathan are such a sweet couple with such great families. It was a joy to see two great people come together and vow to make their lives one. We wish them all of the luck in the world in their new adventure. Jonathan and Grace, we heard that you guys made it back from Alaska, we hope you had an awesome time! Enjoy the sneak peak of your wedding and congratulations!! B+S