This post is about a week late, but I guess it's better late than never. Last weekend we celebrated Good Friday at my in-laws house. It was such an awesome fellowship of believers enjoying the beautiful gift that is Jesus. My mother in law and her friend Anna are two of the best party hostesses...I think they secretly work for Southern Living because their cooking and decorating skills are impecable. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the get together. Tomorrow I will be posting about Allison and Allen's wedding which we shot this last weekend.

By the way...if you live or are having your wedding/birthday/special event in the Niceville, Ft. Walton, Destin area you have to get with the ladies at Say Cake baker in Val-p {}
They make the BEST cakes in the world and you really just can't find a nicer family to work with! They made three delicious, beautiful cakes for the party...Red Velvet w/ buttercream, german chocolate, and a strawberry and chocolate.
My mother in law...

The cute little menu detailing all of the goodies that Anna came up with...