All the way back in December {which literally feels like forever ago!} Brandon and I got to meet up with Jessica+Shane for their engagement shoot at
Grand Boulevard. Jessica+Shane are from Atlanta and we met them through one of our all time favorite couples
Caitlin+Brandon H. I was so excited to finally meet them because I had heard so much about them from the H's- and everything they said was true! They are such a sweet, loving, and fun couple; definitely the type of couple that you would want to have as friends. So here are a few pictures from their shoot. This particular day was so, so cold and the sun was blaring. It made for a tough shoot but I am in love with the colors of the images and Jessica and Shane looked so great in the clothing colors they picked out! Jessica+Shane, thanks for letting us shoot your enagagement shoot. It was such a pleasure to get to know you guys, even if it was for only a short amount of time:)
As on the pictures to blow them up:)