Mike, Jenn, and Oliver
Steve, Leslie, and Oliver
Dad and Oliver
Mommy, daddy, and baby
Mommy and baby
Leslie and Steve...who never needed prompting to be affectionate with each other, I love it!
We also got a chance to go by the house that Leslie's husband Steve is working on in Amelia Island Plantation. Every piece of wood, every nail, every precise calculation of where a plank would be laid...Steve has done it all himself, it is truly amazing. The home is (I believe) 4600 square feet and there is such attention to detail, you would not believe. Brandon and I got the grand tour with the architect and builder himself. Needless to say we left the house wondering how many photo jobs it would take to buy the house when he was done with it...one of my favorite pictures is when Leslie arrived at the house (a little after our tour had begun) and she and Steve sat in the upstairs window while we took pictures from the street.
Leslie, Steve, Mike, and Jenn- thanks for inviting us to spend a little time with you guys. We had a lot of fun and you guys made the shoot super laid back and relaxed!!